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A New Addition - 2 weeks old!

I blinked and it’s now been 2 weeks.

It’s like I’m excited that with each passing day we get to do more things with him, but at the same time I’m realizing how time is just flying by.

We had a couple outings this week. Some people think we’re crazy but we have been taking all the necessary precautions.

The first outing was to the park - mainly so that I would get some walking done. And I saw how out of it I actually was. A 10 minute walk was exhausting!

We had Seth all bundled up and crusin in his stroller with Shea proudly showing off her little brother by her side. It was short but successful.

With Andy being out more I was starting to also get a bit crazy at home. So we decided to go to church on Thursday. Granted we kept Seth in the back lounge and he only was exposed to that room and the cry room where I had to feed and change him- but that was the point. Mama got to be out and Seth had less exposure than he did with having visitors at our place.

So since it went well, we did it again on Sunday. Which was earlier and for longer this time- but he did so well! We even got to go to my moms afterwards which was nice because he has his own crib there and my mom cooked soup for us. We had an incredibly restful nap and decided to stay the night.

Now at home and showered, I’m reflecting on how this little boy is two weeks old and halfway to being a month old. It really does go by fast.

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