This is not a drill. This is the real thing.
Over the past few days the world has changed. COVID19 has reached our part of the world. It feels like the trailer to a movie except its real.
At first I wasn't all too concerned - I don't worry about too many things of the world because I have faith in God and his plans for our lives. But I would be lying if I said I didn't react immediately to when there was a "possibility" that someone contracted the virus in the area I travel to for teaching. After all - the first and foremost thing that comes to my mind is the wellbeing of my son. I wasn't familiar about the virus except for the very fact that it was STILL SPREADING. People know what to do to prevent the spread and yet the numbers keep going up. So I immediately decided to teach remotely.
Then my next concern was for Andy - he uses public transportation to get to work - as do a lot of people who work in New York. But starting today he's going to be working from home. I'm relieved but I know that based on how long it takes for some people to see their symptoms that this isn't even the beginning of what this will turn into.
I pray for the world and that they find a cure - quickly.
""Satan - 'I will cause anxiety, fear and panic. I will shut down businesses, schooled, places of worship and sports events. I will cause economic turmoil.'
Jesus - 'I will bring together neighbors, restore the family unit, I will bring dinner to the kitchen table. I will help people slow down their lives and appreciate what really matters. I will teach my children to rely on me and not the world. I will teach my children to trust me and not their money and material resources.'""
We all have a responsibility to help each other during this time - taking precaution and remembering what is important. With every door that has been closed - there will be one that opens. Just look for that open door.