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A New Addition - 1 YEAR OLD!
HERE IT IS! OUR BOY IS NOW 1 YEAR OLD! Reflecting back on this past year is so surreal to me. The memories of tough times don't seem as...

A New Addition - 11 Months Old!
This little guy at 11 months has officially been on 6 out of state trips! And we're working to catch everyone up on how he's been...

For this Child I have Prayed
1 Samuel 1:28 "Therefore I have also dedicated him to the Lord; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the Lord." When the Lord tells you...

A New Addition - 10 Months Old!
Cue the Baby Blues pt.2 - as Seth reaches double digits I look at him and wonder "Where did my baby go?" His personality continues to...

A New Addition - 9 Months Old!
I blinked and Seth is now 9 months old. He has officially been in the world just as long as he had been growing inside of me. I'm...

A New Addition - 8 Months Old!
8 Whole Months. Seth laughs, he cries, he sings, he yells, he repeats after me and some other people... and he says MAMA! - of course he...

A New Addition - 7 Months Old!
Well Hello 7 months! I did not see you coming. Just kidding - I did. Seth has learned that when he cries - Mama comes. However now he's...

A New Addition - 6 Months Old!
HERE WE ARE - the BIG 6 MONTHS! Half a year already?! I seriously can NOT believe it. What updates do we have now? Well, Seth's social...

A New Addition - 5 Months Old!
We are finally winding down from a flurry of events and now our boy is 5 months old! He is super sociable - and you can tell! He started...

A New Addition - 4 Months Old!
Hello month 4! We're starting to get really busy as the holidays have been ramping up. But whats really cool is how I've got Seth on a...
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